Monday, February 12, 2007

Day 7 I think

I think I'm going to have to stop numbering my days. I also need to figure out who's blogs to take the time to read if I'm going to write one. This is all very complicated.
I got an email this morning, BLOGGING IS NOT FOR WIMPS. It was from someone who really is much stronger than she thinks she is, but unfortunately, she hasn't to find that out for herself. And some days it is easier to forget how strong we really are.

I looked at a blog that went on about bras. I don't think I can a bra blog seriously from someone who just bumped up to a 36B. As a 38DD, or some times D. I can tell you about bras. Back when I was very young & had a much better body (a lot less fat, more muscle, curves instead of bumps, generally healthier) I worked at a Victoria's Secret. I was about a 36C then. Who do you think people trusted to talk about bras to me or some skinny thing that really only wears a bra because they give them boobs? 36C really was a good size for wearing bras. These big things just get in the way and you can never find a bra that actually fits. Now Oprah I would trust to tell me about bras. Unfortunately, she & I don't hang out together so I only hear 3rd hand that she did a show about finding bras that fit. I don't watch television (we don't have cable) so I can't even catch the reruns. I suppose I should look it up, but the idea of researching bras is less appealing than cleaning the tub. I find bra shopping to rank right up there with swimsuit shopping, jean shopping & burning my self with hot glue.

So I moved on to another blog. Say la Vee she had lots of nice little random pictures. Many of which looked like I was flipping through Real Simple Magazine. Their masthead says "Life made easier" really? if only it were true! But I do occasionally enjoy that magazine. Say La Vee's Blackbird also had a post on Anthony Bourdain. Who I LOVE she also had a link to a guest column he wrote on Michael Ruhlman's blog (Tony's column). So Thank You BlackBird!

So I spent all morning reading other people's blogs (OPB?) and sifting through. I now know that I need to take pictures, read more, babble less. I like to take pictures, it's pretty much laziness that prevents that. I like to read, but I get sidetracked & don't read as much as I want.

Books I have recently read, am currently reading, or want to read:
Heat : an amateur's adventures as kitchen slave, line cook, pasta maker, and apprentice to a Dante-quoting butcher in Tuscany / by Buford, Bill.

The nasty bits : collected varietal cuts, usable trim, scraps, and bones / by Bourdain, Anthony

Trap line / by Hiaasen, Carl

Stitch 'N Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook by Debbie Stoller

Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich

there are more on the list, but I can't think of them. And really, all morning reading other peoples things (one link leads to another--is that a song?) and so I now, really, I need to shower, eat, look for a job, play with clay, get my car's oil changed. It's time to stop with OPB & get to the list at hand!

1 garnishes:

Sarah Louise February 12, 2007 at 2:04 PM  

How's this: I am woman, hear me roar?
I'm just going through a spell right now. And it's February. I continue to soldier on...

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